Moisturizer or emollient is a cosmetic preparation used for protecting, moisturizing, hydrating and lubricating the skin. These functions are normally performed by sebum (natural skin oil from oil/sebaceous glands) produced by healthy skin. Damaging factors like sunlight, pollution, hormonal disturbances, etc may tip the skin’s ideal balance, thereby disturbing the sebum balance. Too little sebum will lead to dry skin while excess will make the skin oily and dull.
In either event, besides dryness and ageing, the skin may be at a risk of breakouts & acne. Dry skin might try to combat irritation, by abruptly increasing oil secretion leading to acne. Oily skin, on the other hand, has a tendency to breakout easily because of clogging of pores. To avoid such disruptions, moisturizing is a wonderful habit to get into.
The secret to glowy, dewy youthful skin is understanding the why-what-when-how of moisturizing your skin correctly.
Why must I moisturize?
Prevents dryness - Cold weather or hot weather, air conditioning or indoor heat; dry the moisture right out of your skin.
Slows down ageing - Moisturized skin has better elasticity and radiance; which promises lesser wrinkles and dullness.
Reduces acne attacks - too dry or too oily skin is prone to acne due to clogging of pores.
Soothes sensitive skin - Moisturized skin is hydrated and nourished, which reduces irritation to sensitive skin.
Faster skin cell regeneration - Moisturized skin cells regenerate faster, giving you a glow sans makeup.
What’s an Ideal Moisturizer?
Picking the right moisturizer is as important as the act of moisturizing itself. Understanding types of moisturizers and matching a suitable one to your skin type is the way to go. Broadly moisturizers can be categorized as light, moderate and heavy formulations, based on the water and lipid / oil content. Light moisturizers have a high water content while heavy moisturizers have a higher lipid / oil content, with moderate ranging between the above two.
I’ve explained some terminologies to help you pick your perfect moisturizer.
Jelly - the heaviest and thickest types of moisturizers with a high content of oils. Ideal for the dry and damaged skin especially around the heels, elbows and lips. Eg. Petroleum jelly.
Creams - relatively moderate moisturizers that can be more or less concentrated. They provide an amazing amount of hydration and keep the skin soft. Ideal for the sensitive skin, normal, slightly dry skin and for those who love creamy formulations.
Lotions - lightweight moisturizers with a high content of water. They absorb easily and don’t make the skin greasy. Ideal for summers and sticky weather.
Gels - another type of lightweight moisturizers that absorb easily and provide a lot of hydration. Ideal for sensitive skin, acne prone skin and most of the skin types.
When must I moisturize?
Moisturizing is the perfect end to a refreshing shower. Right after bath, the skin is surely clean and happy, but will dehydrate soon, if not moisturized. While the pores are still open, it’s the best time to lock some moisture in. When your skin lacks moisture, it fails to regenerate cells at a quick pace. This leads to dull, dry or flaky skin. But when your skin is hydrated and healthy, your skin can regenerate cells faster, leaving you with a glowing complexion. Not to mention, it also slows down ageing.
How must I moisturize?
Moderation is the key. Don’t overdo or underdo. Don’t forget to moisturize clean skin post your face wash or shower. However, avoid moisturizing unwashed skin as it will get dirt and oil to clog your pores. The best regime for glowy skin is to strike the perfect exfoliate-cleanse-moisturize balance:
Exfoliate at least once a week to get rid of dead skin cells.
Wash your face twice or thrice a day
Moisturize after every wash.
Now you know, you're wearing your moisturizer correctly!