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I'm always hungry!

Interestingly, weight loss is one of the top ten things on the bucket list of a huge majority. The deep desire for a slim body and a deeper desire for the validation that comes from it can make you do a lot work. Too many diet plans, slimming fads and DIY hacks can give you a series of hits and misses. Weight loss efforts can get desperate, frustrating and very often, confusing.

The most common thing slimming candidates tell me is that, they are “always hungry” and I say - so be it. I genuinely feel so. Hunger is not the concern, the problem stems from - eating too little, eating too much or eating wrong.

Eating too little.

Starving or under eating will slow down your metabolism, making it harder to burn calories when you do eat. Needless to say that your health will suffer due to deprivation of nutrients. When you starve yourself, your body goes into survival mode and focuses on storing energy in the form of fat rather than releasing energy. If the body perceives it’s being starved and doesn’t have food to turn into energy, it continues to hoard fat, rather than burn it, in case food isn’t coming. Your body may eventually break down muscle for energy, because smaller muscles will require less energy. Too little food also causes a substantial drop in blood sugar. This will leave you feeling leaving tired, irritable and sluggish, not to mention the increase in fat accumulation.

Eating too much

The natural response to hunger is to eat. Eating too much can give you more calories than your body’s requirement. When you eat more than what you burn, either in the form of workout or physical activity, your body converts the extra calories into fat. The way out here is to satisfy your hunger by spreading out smaller food portions over multiple small sized meals, ideally five to six. When your body receives food at regular intervals, it metabolizes food more efficiently. Increased metabolism leads to increased energy and increased burning of calories. You’re now satiated, more energetic and of course, leaner.

Eating wrong

The art of eating and art of cheating is what will set your weight right, for life. Food that nourishes, satiates you, makes you active and keeps you lean is what you need. The art of eating is about consuming food that’s low in refined carbohydrates, moderate in complex carbohydrates, high in fiber, high in protein and low to moderate fat content. Food like this satisfies hunger, maintains insulin levels and helps in weight management. While art of cheating lies in compensating for the times you indulge. Bingeing must always be followed by workout and low calorie food to burn the excess calories gained.

Weight management is not a quick fix, it’s a lifestyle choice. All my foodie friends, don’t worry if you’re always hungry. Eat right, not less. Life’s too short to starve!



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