Slimming is generally among the top three unhonoured “new year” resolutions of most people. Weight goals are tough to achieve because of the commitment and effort it calls for. People today need practical and sustainable slimming methods, without upsetting an already overloaded schedule, which precisely makes "non-surgical liposuction treatment", really popular.
Non surgical liposuction treatments are designed to help you drop those extra inches effortlessly. The best part of this modality is that you can avoid going under the knife. One of these procedures is ultrasound lipolysis, better known as U-Lipo. Let’s understand more.
What is U- lipo?
U - Lipo or ultrasound lipolysis is based on ultrasound technology that breaks down fat cells below the skin. It is a non-surgical method of reducing cellulite and localized fat. This procedure involves applying pressure on fat cells through ultrasonic vibrations. The pressure is high enough to make the fat cells break down, which are eliminated through your urine. Most useful for fat reduction on arms, tummy, buttocks, hips, thighs, calves, double chin, handles and bulges on the back and waist.
Benefits of U-Lipo:
1. Great for inch loss
Slimming candidates are generally more interested in looking leaner than weighing lighter. Dropping kilos and inches are different parameters of slimming and generally coexist. Weight reduction is technical while inch loss is aesthetic as it is very visual. U-lipo focuses majorly on inch loss from a given area, weight reduction is a by product of the same.
2. Spot Reduction of Fat
We all have problem areas that typically tend to be plumper and accumulate fat, like arms, tummy, hips ,etc. Problem areas are different for different people, for example, somebody could be lean all over but have heavy hips or a flabby tummy. Slimming methods like diet, workouts, etc can help in overall reduction, but can’t ensure targeted fat loss at these specific areas.
3. Figure Correction
This helps candidates correct their figure as per their requirement. It enables you to lose just where you wish to, while retaining the desirable fullness at the right areas. Ideal for candidates wishing to retain the right curves and contours. For example if a candidate is just right, but wishes to have a leaner waist, it'll help drop inches without undue reduction elsewhere.
4. Drops age too
Generally post weight loss, the body looks younger while face tends to suffer. This is particularly true for candidates who tend to lose fullness on their face & neck and develop wrinkles thereby making them look tired and older. U - Lipo is a great option for those who want a leaner body and fuller face.
5. Can't exercise
Exercise is not really everybody's favourite either due to time constraint, health issues, low energy levels or plain laziness. Also being consistent is important with exercise as a modality, which might be challenging while juggling with a tight schedule. U-Lipo is helpful for such candidates.
6. Cost effective
These sessions work out much cheaper than surgery. Also since it gives desirable results at a much quicker pace, you can avoid long term memberships and engagements. Dietary support in the form of protein supplements and expensive meal plans can also be eliminated.
7. No side effects
As the procedure is non surgical and non invasive, it’s very safe and has no impact on the overall health and well being of the individual. Men and women, of any age group can safely avail this treatment.
8. Practical and convenient
These are typically 30 - 45 minute sessions spread over the week which makes it practical and sustainable without affecting your work-life balance. Generally, the reason for failure for most of the slimming methods is the high amount of commitment and time it calls for.
Last but not the least, treat slimming as an improvising process, rather than a hate treatment. Love your body and it'll respond positively!