Description: Pigmentation eraser essential oil is a beauty secret to reduce pigmentation on face and body. Ideal for massages / facials and can be used solely or mixed with any cream.
Ingredient: Bergamot oil, Geranium oil, Lavender oil, Almond oil.
Directions: Apply 2-3 drops of Dermarichh Pigmentation eraser essential to the face and body and massage with gentle pressure. Apply and leave it on for one hour daily. For best results, mix 2 drops with Dermarichh Whitening and Tightening Night Cream.
Anti Pigmentation Eraser Essential Oil
Bergamot oil improves complexion by lightening the skin tone, clearing blocked pores and fading spots and blemishes.
Geranium oil fades acne scars and tones down the appearance of dark spots by reducing the production of melanin, the pigment responsible for skin darkening.
Almond oil is very rich in Vitamin A and Vitamin E which increases cell regeneration promoting skin resurfacing. This helps the pigmented skin exfoliate gently and bring up lighter new skin cells.
Lavender oil aids in skin lightening by its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. It reduces discoloration, including dark spots and other pigmented areas.
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